From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Favorite Season

I love fall.

Hands down, it's my favorite season. If you talked to me in person, you might not pick up on that right away, because after a winter in Ohio (ugh!) Spring is just so wonderful that I tend to go on and on about how much I love Spring. And on those rare years when Summer cooperates by being a) not too hot and b) not too humid, you might think it's my favorite season.

But no, it's always been fall.

I admit, I'm a little in love with the crunchy leaves. And all the colors that the leaves turn. And the crispness in the air. Which is why I'm really excited about this weekend. My husband and I are driving into northern Ohio - Amish country - to see what we can see.

Next week I'll (hopefully) have some photos to share from our travels. Until then, tell us what is your favorite season and why?


  1. Spring. Without a doubt. Particularly around Easter time. I love the flowers and the colors of everything blooming...and the smells of all the spring flowers and buds...And, usually, I love the weather too. Especially after the freezing winters we tend to get.

  2. Autumn. As a native NE Ohioan, I realize I'm in the minority for liking winter (hard to x-c ski without snow!), but even though one leads to the other, autumn, with leaves and crisp blue skies and apples and cider and bonfires and ... I could go on, but you'd probably shoot me. :) We go down to Holmes County, also, after stopping at Rittman Orchards for apples. Went in late Oct. Have fun!


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