Last night, I got together with the highly talented historical romance author, Susan Gee Heino and planned my wardrobe for the week. I have picked several very exciting and beautiful dresses along with matching shoes. In my small social sphere I'm well known for my addiction to footwear. See below picture of my must haves!
I can already see that one or two of my favorites is missing. I really need a taller shelving system, don't I?
So, after planning what I should pack, we moved on to what goals I would like to accomplish during the event itself. Here is where I might go a bit fan girl crazy. You see, I'm a big, HUGE some might say, Sabrina Jeffries fan. I own every book she's ever written. Even the anthologies.
I buy them on release day.
Doesn't she just look like a lovely, fun person to know?
I have made it my goal, albeit not a writerly growth goal, to meet Ms. Jeffries during those few days. That being said...I have also warned dearest Susan that I, in all likelihood, will probably make a fool of myself and bumble my own name. If I can even spit it out.
I have given Susan the task of getting my picture, if I am still up right and conscious. Sabrina, if you are reading this (which I hope you are!) Please do not be worried that I am one of those crazy fans who is going to stalk you right into the ladies room, nor am I going to jump up and down and scream. Well, at least I hope not, anyway. But, in all seriousness, I have read your stories for all of my adult life. Some of them upwards of ten times! You are big part of why I have begun the monumental task of putting my stories in front of people who are going to critique my work, judge me. Decide if I can change my official occupation to Writer.
Her kind words of encouragement written on her website to her fans helped me find the gumption to dive into the writing world wholeheartedly.
I realize that I am staring into the face of great opportunity at this conference. There are important workshops given by amazing authors. Agents, editors, publishers....the list goes on of the who's who in the publishing industry that I will be rubbing shoulders with. I plan to attend everything I can. But, from the heart of a young girl, the most exciting aspect of this coming week is that I'll get to meet someone who's words made my heart leap, sore, dive and love. I can only hope I get the chance to say thank you.
Don't forget to check back in. I will have plenty of pictures and stories to post!
Great post. Hope you have a fantastic time, and get to meet Sabrina!