From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Time For A Little Fun

I must confess that I got the idea for today's posting from one of my favorite blogs. Rachelle Gardner, a literary agent has an excellent blog for writers called Rants & Ramblings. She is an agent with WordServe Literary agency, and I find her website to be both informative and fun!

On Friday, she relayed a few of Jeff Foxworthy's "You might be a redneck if..." At the end of the post, she challenged her readers to fill in the the following statement, "You might be a writer, agent or editor if...."

So readers, I challenge you to do the same, I'll get the ball rolling.

You might be a writer if you hear the cashier at the store say to the person in front of you, "That's a beautiful name." And you can't resist asking what it is because it could be a great name for a character : )


  1. You might be a writer have fifteen hundred scraps of paper laying around with plot ideas, good websites you've heard about, contest deadlines, etc.

  2. You might be a writer if...while driving around in your car and working out plotlines in your head, you suddenly realize that you've passed your exit - 30 miles back!

  3. You might be a writer can write anywhere. Even in the toilet.


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