From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Podcasts for Writers

This post is really "Achieving Your Resolutions - Part 2" continuing my post from last week about online learning for writers.

As I said before, learning, no matter what the format is a good thing. So this week I want to talk about podcasts. It's definitely the most convenient way to learn...well, almost anything!

Look, I'll be the first to admit that regardless of the technology, I will never be an "early adopter" so I'm new to podcasts. If you, like me, are new to podcasts - but you have a computer, MP3 player or iPod, you can find out how to subscribe to podcasts here.

Once you are set up to subscribe, check out these podcasts especially for writers.

1. I Should be Writ­ing: cov­ers the ins-and-outs of writ­ing, from com­ing up with ideas to self-publishing to writ­ing queries. Mur Lafferty is straightforward and has some good insights into the writing and publishing world. (RSS  iTunes)
2. The Writ­ing Show: The Writing Show Slush Pile Workshop is designed to help you practice engaging readers. In each podcast, Paula B. plays agent and comments on your anonymous submissions. Does she want to see more, or does she lose interest? Beginning in December 2010, the format of this podcast changed to feature only Slush Pile Workshops. You can find other writing topics in their archives. (RSS  iTunes)
3. Litopia: Litopia con­sists of two pod­casts. The first, “Litopia Daily”, is a short daily round-up of news of inter­est to writ­ers. The sec­ond, “Litopia After Dark”, is a longer weekly round-table dscus­sion of issues in the writ­ing and pub­lish­ing worlds. (RSS  iTunes)
4. Gram­mar Girl: Mignon Fog­a­rty offers “quick and dirty tips for bet­ter writ­ing” in this twice-weekly show on the ins and outs of Eng­lish gram­mar. (RSS  iTunes)
5. Writ­ing Excuses: fea­tures three writ­ers (Bran­don Sander­son , Howard Tayler, and Dan Wells) talking about var­i­ous writ­ing chal­lenges, either amongst them­selves or with guests. It's a brief 15 minutes - because, they say, “you’re in a hurry and we’re not that smart”) — fun, and sur­pris­ingly help­ful. (RSS  iTunes)

I hope you find these podcasts informative and interesting.

Do you know of other podcasts dedicated to writing? We would love to hear about them. Please post a link in the comments section along with a note about why you like it.


  1. I listen to "Pen on Fire" by Barbara DeMarco Barrett. She interviews both authors and agents about the craft and business of writing. Her interview style is a little cumbersome, so I prefer the episodes when her co-host, Marie Stone, does the interviewing. You can find all the weekly episodes on iTunes. Also, iTunes University has a lot of writing courses that you can listen to.

  2. I've become pathetically addicted to Litopia over the last couple of weeks. Particularly their Litopia After Dark section. So much so that I now participate in the live chats (when I can) and I joined the Litopia Writer's Colony website.


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