From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March; Lion or Lamb but mostly Soccer

If you are a parent then you know that regardless if March comes in like a lion or lamb it definitely heralds the return of soccer season.  Both of my boys started practice with their new soccer teams this week.

Monday was the first practice for my youngest, this is also the first year he's been old enough to play.  He is so excited to finally participate and not just watch his big brother from the sidelines.  So are his dad and I, no more sprinting onto the field to snatch him from the middle of a game. We hope.

My oldest has his first practice tonight. The fields the local soccer organization uses are outside of town in a very wide open stretch of treeless fields.  You are guaranteed that the wind will be whipping and the temps about fifteen degrees cooler than in the town.  We button up to our eyeballs in layers, mittens and caps.  Trudge blankets and chairs out to the sidelines for thirty minutes of non-stop ball-chasing hilarity to be rewarded with hot chocolates and exhausted children.

The excursion is well worth the effort. My boys have learned much about patience and team work.  So, as we say goodbye to March I sail forth two nights a week for Life Lessons I'm hoping will stick.

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