From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

Monday, July 5, 2010

Writing Muses: Where Do You Find Yours?

All writers seek inspiration for the next big story. The next thing that will trigger the next big idea. Sometimes, it's something as simple as new song found during a quick radio scan in the car. Other times, it's seeing the right celebrity picture at the right time and things just sort of click.

For me, most of my story ideas come to me when I'm driving in the car listening to music. My brain will just kind of take the words from the song and spin them around until new ideas come from them. Since most of my writing tends to linger on the dark side, I am a huge fan of rock music, but every now and then an old song will blast out of my speakers and give me the most amazing idea. So, in my car you will find a little notepad and when I get to wherever it is that I am going I write down the song (so I can find it again) and my idea.

So here's my question to you fellow writers: Any personal muses you are willing to share?


  1. Isn't it funny how one creative medium can inspire another? I too get most of my ideas in the car listening to music. Country music is the best, because they have a lot of both heartbreak and humor.

  2. I always seem to get story ideas while watching the news and (because I write historical fiction) watching PBS or the history channel.

  3. That's an awesome place to get inspiration Jillian! Thanks for the tip! :D

  4. Oddly enough, I get the best 'aha!' ideas when I'm laying in bed, RIGHT at that point where I'm about to fall completely into sleep.

    Which actually kind of sucks because then I have to get up and write it down. If I don't, no matter how much I think I'll remember it, it's gone in the morning.

    I really should try that car thing!

  5. I know the feeling Amy! It's like when you wake up from an awesome dream but can't really remember why it was so awesome. LOL

  6. Okay, maybe I am weird or something (uh, no need to comment on that...) but I actually get a lot of my ideas in the shower!


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