From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Online Resources for Writers

It seems there are endless websites, blogs, and online communities to assist writers in getting their work published.  Many Fiction Flurry Followers have very helpful blogs of their own that you might want to browse.  Magazines like Writer's Digest regularly publish feature articles highlighting the best websites for writers.

One drawback to the ease with which this vast amount of writerly information is available is that the web can suck you in, stealing time that should be used actually writing.  (I'm terribly guilty of this!)  Nonetheless, I'm going to offer up a few online sites that I find particularly useful, and I encourage all of you to do the same in the comment section.  What sites do you find useful to your writing?  Here are a few of my faves:
Query Tracker allows you to search for agents who are acquiring for the kind of manuscript you have written.  You can keep track of your queries and the responses (or lack thereof) from agents.
Duotrope's Digest offers a free database of publishers of fiction and poetry.
National Novel Writing Month is November...get ready to write 50,000 words in one month.  Even if you don't get to 50K, you still get a lot more written than you would in a typical month.
This writer specializes in helping writers who are also moms (like me).  I'm thinking about taking one of her online classes.
This is a place where you can find a group of people interested in your genre, you can get critiques of your writing, ask questions, establish relationships.  There are a bunch of great writing communities, but this is the one I've settled into.

What are your favorite writing websites?

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, WOW! What a great list you have come up with :) It's funny that we were just talking about this last night! You have totally got me pegged...I get online to just do a few "quick" things and before I know it, one or two hours have passed me by! I STRONGLY encourage you to take that course offered by christinakatz. Go for it!!!


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