From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

From Adults to Teens and Everything In Between

Saturday, June 5, 2010

And the winner is.....

Congratulations to ccboobooy (charity). She is the winner of this week's contest.  Charity will recieve an autographed copy of Mistress By Mistake by Susan Gee Heino. 

Thanks to everyone who follows Fiction Flurry and a big WELCOME to anyone just joining. We invite you to PARTICIPATE - post a comment, send us your suggestions and tell your friends about us.  Fiction Flurry will improve because of YOU! So don't be shy - let us know how you feel.What do you like, what irks you beyond belief and what would you like to see us do (or do better)?. We love feedback.

Check back next Tuesday for a new contest or poll.  You never know what we'll give away next.


  1. Congratulations, Charity!! I think you will really enjoy Susan's work. She has a terrific talent not just for romance, but for humor, as well, making this book a sheer joy to read!!

  2. Hey, Bee, just remember that there is a new contest every single Tuesday! We'll be doling out lots of great stuff, so swing by regularly to see what else you can win!!

  3. Congrats, Charity! Hope you enjoy my book and thanks so much for following Fiction Flurry! (Beth, you're making me blush...)


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